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A trusted public media partner, KIXE PBS works with diverse organizations on topics of regional importance to spark dialogue and cultivate collaboration. Partnerships like these allow the station to expand our reach, and elevate the voices of the region. These partnerships will continue to be critical in the future, as we work together to find new ways to serve all the communities across this region.


If your organization is interested in partnering with KIXE PBS, please contact Julie Driver at or at 530-243-5493.

Sierra Nevada

Cheers to Sierra Nevada and KIXE PBS!

Founded in 1980, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company crafts exceptional beers in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains. As a proud sponsor of KIXE PBS programming, the brewery shares its commitment to community enrichment, knowledge, and culture.

In recognition of the importance of diverse perspectives and stories, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company has chosen to invest in the enrichment that Public Television offers. This partnership enables KIXE PBS to continue delivering high-quality programming that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and an appreciation for the arts and sciences. As you raise a glass of Sierra Nevada's expertly crafted beer, toast to the collaboration that helps create a more informed and inspired society through the power of Public Television.

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Everything Medical

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